so, someone just asked how to flirt with what if your a girl and a guy flirts with you, wha do u do back? most girls just smile, others play hard to get. how do u flirt back? what about the opposite?
just be touchy feely and gushy mushy. got it? what about the opposite?
Be firednly but not don't want to throw yourself at them, but at the same time show that you are interested.
i will give them a though time but later i will succumb.
Friendly, smiling and very sweet. But if I'm really interested, I like to get a guy going with jokes. There is usually alot of touching involved too.
you just do
just be yourself, if you want to make a flirting comment back then do it,..if you don't then just be friendly and avoid it,...any decent guy will get the message.
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