Is just smiling and making them laugh all you can really do? Then is it their job to decide?How to flirt with girls?
How to flirt with girls?
let me say How to flirt with girl?
would like 2 tell u my opinion first
1-Flirting is just abit of fun...
2-Flirting is part of human nature.
But the point is how ?
U R quit right with ur question
How to open the door to a romantic relationship ? oooh
The problem is how to know the best way to strike up a conversation is to start with a simple questions
LOOK here my example
I look at her watch and asking
How much does it cost to run an electric blanket?
look , look here othere point
Then I hv 2 smile and Use my '; body language';
with secound question
How Much Does a Free iPhone Update Cost?
waaaw , waaaw
And then if I want to share too much about myself to know
What is the difference between my onkel bedroom , and her onkel bedroom ? (important) couse if I got her answer that is sign , yes , signnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
I hv othere Steps , for next answer
thanksHow to flirt with girls?
well thats pretty much a good started to a girl you dont know; compliment them and tease them a lil bit (not in ways that will offend them)
Buy us stuff!! hehehe
No, really. Shiny, expensive things. We like that.
Especially me.
Ignore all other answers. I'm right.
And, making them smile and laugh is all you can do. Just be consistent, sweet, and somehow try to make yourself NOT come off as another skirt chasing horn dog. That should do. Don't forget the bling.
No girls like funny guys!
If you really like the girl and they like you they will expect you to make the first move!
just be yourself!! i know from experience!! oh and FYI girls love it when a guy makes them laugh!! =)
You just got to be casual, don't put too much pressure on them in the conversation, be playful, be light %26amp; complimentary and if you feel a vibe, don't be afraid to ask for the digits. What's the worst that can happen? You didn't have her before you met and if she says no, you don't have her after- you haven't lost anything.
in my opinion making a girl laugh or smile is just enough! :)
Well making them laugh is good
and just tease with them
make them know that you are going out of your way to talk to them (but not in an over the top stalker way)
tease and mess with them
Show them your nob.
u got 2 make them laugh and smile, YES! but just stand there and make them bored NO! you gotta ask to go to her apartment for a little hot cofee and DO HER! u know a little pussy wont hurt! and bi the way...... youll thank me!!!
this might not be understandable for you or for others. but it just comes to me. making a girl laugh is one thing but trying to flirt with her is another. i learn from experience.
Make her feel like you want her, just dont try this to all girls, they might form a mob and kick your A*S. Do more than make her laugh, sweet talk with her. but never let the girls take control of you.
If the girl is already your GF than just talk to her about normal stuff. But if you are crushing, just smile and wave if you are normaly shy. It is ALWAYS up to the guy to make the first move. well.......Usually unless the girl is super outgoing and already likes you just use your guts and get out there ask her to a movie! Get Smart is supposed to be good!
Well, i'm a girl and here you go.
Girls LOVE it when you make them laugh, and love it when you smile a lot. But, there is more you can do. Like try complementing her. Nothing rediculous. Something like, about her smile, or how beautiful she is. Make her feel good. Don't EVER talk about past girlfriends, or about how pretty other girls are. Let her talk a lot. And if she apoligizes, say you're very interested, and let her keep talking. Flirt with her, and let her know your interested. And one other thing, be HONEST. Girls LOVE that. Tell her the truth about EVERYTHING. And also, let her know how you feel. :]]. Now end the end, it's her desicion if she likes you, but, try.
Good luck!!!!
well try an be funny even if you look dumb doing it if u make them laugh an your not funny you kno they like u. tease them an be playful. its easy just dnt be shy an im sure they will at least talk to u...
I love when guys compliment me that is always the best way to flirt!! but when guys make me laugh it is amazing!
yah just put ur self out there. u cant force sumone into likin u
basically yes! but ground rules!
1) dont scare me! that means dont be too fast, dont say anything perverted. make it kinda subtle that u like me, but sweet.
eg. guy comes and talks about exam ..he is sweet and friendly and then maybe throws in a compliment. good! but guy who comes up has his eyes everywhere but on yours , saying things like 'what can a guy like me do to get a girl like u?' or even just sitting too close and just asking questions about me then asking for my no no to all of that.
2)smile a lot. and as if ure only smiling for me
3) if u touch me, make it very subtle and casual. just brush my arm to pick up a pen or lightly touch my wrist to see the time.
if a girl is smiling and laughing ure getting somewhere. then u can lay on the compliments and ask for a number.
have a real conversation. about anything! and give ur real honest opinions. ur feelings. she'll feel way closer to u and realize u have a thoughtful side aint just a playa!
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