This is how i do it. To make them laugh and show Im a cool guy.
Hey. You have pretty eyes (she knows ur flirting) then she says thank you. And then laugh lil and say I lost my number, can i have yours?How to flirt with girls ?
Why flirt with them?How to flirt with girls ?
dude girls are experts in flirting
Just plain bad luck, maybe lack of confidence you don't demonstrate value etc. Basically with any girl what you wanna do is start with a thing called a neg which means you say a brief statement to disqualify you as a potential suitor, then you kinda ignore her for a while and concentrate on her friend that increases her interest in you. Next thing you do is demonstrate higher value via jokes, and pretending to be rich smart sexy. At thi9s point you start looking out for IOI's which are indicators of interest such as touching her own arms or stroking her hair etc, to make sure u do a trust test all you do is grab both of her hands and moves them in different directions and then squeeze them if she follows that means she trusts you, at this point you need to isolate her from others. and start kino escalation basically touching her an making her more comfortable around you, at this point have a couple of sad yet romantic stories ready about how she should not loose any time otherwise love might slip away, than if you are confidence enough and wanna go for a kiss close just ask her what sort of a kisser she is most are usually comfortable with kissing you otherwise just get her number and repeat. Now I am no expert and I do have a limit to how much I can write but basically look up the mystery method online
it should come naturally. you shouldn't need a tutorial about how 2 flirt.
the simplest things , mean the most.
compliment her and be nice to her, but not like creepy nice, ya know?
Maybe get off the computer, get a life and actually talk to them.
Say they have nice boobs.
your a guy right well if you have girls as friends then don't be coz if you are friends with them they wont understand you are flirting so first move away from friendship then like always start a convo but not as friends and soon you will get her number and then ask her stuff and like dates
News Flash most girls dont flirt, and dont like flirting.
If you like a girl she will notice if you often give her a smile every now and then,
or Maybe just talk like a normal human being towards them, whats the worse that could happen?
Don't be a player. Be smart, be funny. Listen when she talks. Don't grope. Look in her eyes, no matter what kind of shirt she's wearing. Open the conversation with something she can follow-up on. If she walks away she's not interested. If she answers, there's your chance.
If you treat the girl like a live, breathing, intelligent human being instead of an automated sex-doll and/or some strange and vaguely repulsive alien, you'll get much further ahead.
i do this all the time. it lands me heaps of chics.
I go up to a chic that i think is hot.
and i squeeze there ***. then when i get there attention i say:
Hey baby do u wanna fcuk while u say this. look at there boobs and slowly look up towards there face. they like this and they especially like it when u squeeze there ***.
ive been doing this for ages and i've fcuked around 40 chics and im only 19.
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