Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How can figure out what I can talk about to a girl I like?

Forget about nerves, I'm pretty much over being scared of approaching girls I like, but now I have no idea what to talk about. I hate it when people say, ';talk about anything,'; because when I look around my room I don't see anything I think a girl would be interested in. It's like when I'm asked out of the blue what I want to eat; 95% of the time I have no idea, not even remotely. My main problem is I am clueless in how to flirt with girls while I'm talking to them because I don't know subtlety. I don't know how to make my intentions of being more than a friend apparent w/o being obvious, such as saying, ';you have very pretty eyes';. I've read articles online about how to compliment or tease her uniquely and some say not to say ';you have pretty eyes.'; WHAT IF I LIKE LOOKING AT HER EYES BECAUSE I LEGITIMATELY THINK THEY'RE PRETTY!!!!!!! Other articles say touch her hand or hair gently. That sounds very awkward. Do you see what I'm getting at. Men are not subtle creatures. I often find myself talking to my other friends about science and I know she likes science. Also, I don't really know if I should try to get to know her first before flirting with her or flirt with her to see if she reciprocates the emotions and then get to know her more. As you can see I'm a VERY LEFT BRAIN thinker and to me flirting is very illogical. I'm not a very creative person and I like definition. I know girls differ, but if there is even a small guide I can use please help.How can figure out what I can talk about to a girl I like?
I think you're over thinking this way too much. Just be natural-be yourself. Anything less than this would seem awkward or forced. I suggest finding something that you have in common with the girl your interested in as a starting point for conversation. This might take some probing. Just ask her what she likes to do, find out where she's from, where does she work or go to school. Girls love it when you show genuine interest in getting to know them as a person. You sound like a very thoughtful, intellectual guy. That, in and of itself, is an attractive asset. Focus more on starting off as friends. It always works out better in the end. How can figure out what I can talk about to a girl I like?
Simply ask her questions about herself. EVERYBODY like talking about themselves - and once you get her talking it'll get you thinking about things you have in common.

';WHAT IF I LIKE LOOKING AT HER EYES BECAUSE I LEGITIMATELY THINK THEY'RE PRETTY!!!!!!! Other articles say touch her hand or hair gently. That sounds very awkward.';

LOL dude you cracked me up with this 1 (thats a good thing)

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