how do you flirt with a girl you like and what response would you be looking for to see if she likes you [plz help???????????How to flirt with girls?
Give her a goose.How to flirt with girls?
See if she smiles at yuou when yo smile at her
sorry, i never did, they flirt with me and i pick one
unless your an alpha male or really rich...theres no Point they only want those two things in a man
From the James May school of flirting start with 'Hello'
pull her hair call her names :-D
whatever you do, DONT PLAY FOOTSIE
not all girls like feet
in fact some are terrified of them
and being that boys have nastier feet than girls that would be a major turn off
well if a girl likes you'll probably be able to catch her trying to catch your eye, but some girls blush when they like someone and they speak to them...umm and if a girl laughs at what you say and smiles back at you-thats a good sign.
To flirt with a girl (if they're not the sensitive type) sometimes joking about clumsy things they've done but smile in a joking way-dont worry she might only punch you for this, but its a good sign!
Complimenting her and smiling at her heaps is always good flirting and irresistable.
Just joke around with her. Girls love humor. When I like a guy I normally shy away from him a little so if that happens she may just have realized she likes you. Some on the other hand start flirting with you. Once you realize she likes you, ask her out or she will give up on you.
Start talking to her and ask for some advice. That's what a boy did to me and i gave him some advice. Or you can ask her if you can trust her with a secret. Just do something very small and then make it bigger, that's how most girls like it. But if she is a loud sorta upfront person then it might be better to accidentally touch her hand or something like that
Hope this has helped.
Establishing rapport is a big part of flirting. This can be done by a technique called pacing.
Some things you can do include:
-Mirroring her stance (doesn't have to be exactly)
-Giving her the same amount of eye contact which she gives you
-Mimicking her breathing pattern (for example, breathing at a similar pace and incorporating the same aspects into your breathing as she uses, like sighs. Remember - don't just copycat her. This will be too noticeable. Be subtle)
-Matching gestures - if her gestures are big and flamboyant, you can make your gesturing more flamboyant as well.
-Match tone of voice and speed. If she is speaking quietly, soften your voice. If she is speaking loudly, you can increase your volume. Try to match the speed which she is talking at.
(remember, this has to be SUBTLE, do NOT just copy her the entire time gesture for gesture and pose for pose.)
You will feel if you have established rapport - the conversation will feel free-flowing and comfortable. When you feel confident that there is some level of trust and rapport there, you can then stop matching her and instead LEAD her. For example, you can start giving her the amount of eye contact YOU want and SHE will start to automatically match YOU without even consciously thinking about it.
One way to test if a girl is attracted to you is to lean back SLIGHTLY, so that it is not overly noticeable. If she leans forward toward you, it signals interest.
Hope this helps.
well depends on the girl really just treat her politely (but not like overdoing it) if she looks a u look and smile bac get close to her as a friend and u might find other things she likes also come up behind her and tickle her sides she may seem upset at first but later she'll probably tell all her friends about it
go up to her and say her radiance lights up the room and you couldn't help but notice her. Then ask her some regular questions like say your in a bar and you say you come here often? and start from there. If she smiles and laughs at your jokes or just smiles she is into you. This only works if you are at least alright looking.
not c0ckiness but confidence
Squint your eyes and say ';I love you long time';.
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