This question may sound really stupid. But I'm 18 and never had a girlfriend. I would like to know how to flirt with girls, and how a girl's body language works. How to get a girl to like me, etc. I would also like to know how to tell if a girl is a tease or not. I see most really out going and cocky guys flirt with girls before. And I don't know how they do it. I mostly see the cocky guys picking up the ';cute'; girls. For me. When it comes with a girl I like. I have a hard time talking to her or flirting with her. I don't know how to bring up a conversation. I like games and stuff but I'm afraid of bringing up a conversation like that and her thinking I'm some kind of freak or what ever. I'm pretty much of a dork.
Whats the best way to flirt with a girl? I don't want to sound like a player or anything. I just want to show her that I like her. I think it's about time for me to get a girlfriend. But I don't know how. I feel like a hopeless romantic when it comes to girls. I get rejected allot for my *shyness*. I don't know what to do. My face turns red every time I see a girl I like. It drives me mad. I'd like to share my interests with a girl that likes the same things. But its hard. :/ I sound like a noob -__-How can I get a girl to like me?
I think they need to bring back the show VH1's Pickup Artist for youHow can I get a girl to like me?
Omg its so cute what you said maybe my crush does like me to and is just a shy hopeless romantic omg IM GOING TO SAY HI TO HIM!!!!! OK AND YOU BETTER NOT BE SHY ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!
Obviously you're shy, but that's ok, you can fix it. It just need a little bit of time. The most important thing is to be confident. Girls (no exception) like men who are confident. so be confident and don't be shy.
you shouldn't plan any conversation in your mind, because then you ganna be boring. just choose something that happened that day or something like that and start talking, then the conversation goes by itself and you won't even understand that how you got there. After a while you will find out her interests and then you can find facts or news about those subjects and start the conversations by those news or facts.
Never ever at the beginning of any relationship tell the girl that you love her, because as soon as they realize that, they want to drag you around. so some how show her you like her but never admit that you love her. when the relationship goes farther, you can do that but not at the beginning.
Act normally, because girls won't think that you're a freak if you act normal and expose your ideas and interests. When you act abnormal, because you're shy or you like her, they think that you are freak.
Girls look for challenge, so don't be easy on them. if they ask your opinion about something don't say ';I dk'; or ';You decide'; or something like that. express your opinion with out being scared. or if they ask you for something don't give it to them so easily. Keep that in mind that you can't always do it, because then they ganna think that you're mean or something.
The most important thing is to not push them, because if you push your relationship, they ganna freak out. they go crazy and instead of liking you, they start to hate you. Get close to her slowly and then in a good situation ask her out.
GOOD LUCK! I hope I was helpful!
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