With girls I never really no what to say. I want to flirt with girls, but I don't really know how. I want to flirt with them, without overdoing it, and making it overly obvious that I like them. At the same time, I don't want to be so obscure with it, that it seems like I'm just being friendly. So can anyone give me tips on how to flirt with girls?Tips on flirting with girls?
make her laugh
hug her goodbye
text her late at night something nice
compliment her and mean it
touch her arm
tease her
get really close to her
smile a lot
listen to what she is saying
be interested
be confidentTips on flirting with girls?
I'm a guy but I hear they love confidence.
just talk and tease and joke
flirt with your guy friends for practice ;)
Honestly, there are no guidelines but be yourself and make sure you start off by talking about something she has to respond to or can relate to. make the conversation interesting and girls always love a guy who can make her laugh and has a great sense of humor. p.s- don't be too random make sure it fits into context.
Ignore them, or tease them. Also, don't feel like its your loss if they reject you. Be confident knowing there are many others out there.
tease them and get to know them and play around act like you don't like them and you can tell if they like you back or not so hang around the not allot but not alittle
well im not sure because all girls like to be flirted with in a different way, my best advice to you would be not to tease if you don't really know how to flirt yet,kuz it can be hurtful if the girl is sensitive and you're just teasing but you don't know that.be nice.smile and be confident, don't be extra clingy but don't ignore her,be yourself! and listen to what they say if the conversasion turns more on the serious side,and don't tell all her business!lol :) im sure you flirt and you just don't know it :D
good luck
people say be yourself.. blablabla. but sometimes being yourself cant really get girls rite?..
so what u should do is to Learn. since you are not born with the ';charm'; thing. flirting is really fun, lower ur expectations. look approachable. relax and smile. read body language.. make eye contact but not for more than a moment or two.. dont stare! Initiate a conversation ,Give the person your complete attention. Laugh at their jokes, listen to their stories, and don't get distracted by what's going on around you. It's more important to seem interested than to seem interesting, and you don't want to hog the conversation. Being a good listener is far more important to successful flirting than being witty.
Well, a guy who smiles is really nice so, smile! Also, girls like to know they're pretty, so compliment the way they look (pick a feature) don't over do it though or they'll think that you don't really mean it. Good luck!
listen and be interested in wat she says but not more than she is, and if u disagree on something tell them so u seem confident in yourself, and ALWAYS be yourself
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