I do not want to creep a girl out by stalking her and sitting down with her while she is alone...I wouldn't ever do that by the way, but I want to avoid it. What do girls look for in guys, I'm usually a polite person, I sing well, but girls tend to overlook me and go for other guys. How can I talk to girls I've never talked to before in a comfortable way, and get girls to notice me? Should I look them in the eyes while I walk down the hall for like 2 seconds and smile? any suggestions will be appreciated! : ) thanksHow to flirt with girls in a polite way?
Sup, can I have your number?
Hello, I am %26lt;name%26gt;
that makes you look like a dork
dont look at there eyes when there walking, that makes you look like such a creepo
if shes talking to someone, wait till a later time, if not go up and just be Sup, wana go to the movie? or can I have your number
have a tinnnnny smile
like a smirk, like you just did a prank, not a goofy smile!How to flirt with girls in a polite way?
Ok i am a girl and girls like it when you compliment them.Just say simple stuff like nice shirt or nice shoes. Also, your a good singer right ?Then you should sing in front of her a calm relaxing love song or something.
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